TIME 5:25 PM (PST)
DATE- Monday August 19 2024

The power of the full moon brings light into the areas that we seek to hide from ourselves or others. We must begin to address these areas as we continue to build the new world.
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Sign: Water Bearer – waves of water or electricity
Physical body influenced by Aquarius: Achilles, ankles, calf, forearm muscles, shin, thyroid hormones.
We are still experiencing the heavy energy that came in during July and it will continue to hammer the emotional side of us. Additional energy will feel like thunder and lightning are striking during this cycle so be ready for disruptive expansive energy.
Heated fiery energy along with war energy will also be front and center during this cycle. You can think about it in two different ways. One is that war is firing up around the world. Or you can use it to benefit you by remembering that you have fiery energy to handle any aggressive energy coming at you.
Seeking your own knowledge and going deep will help you navigate these next 4-5 months as we progress further into 2024. Just keep your focus on what will benefit you and make the changes when the time is right.
Balance yourself between the lower and higher frequencies below during this full moon cycle:
Incoming Energies with this Full Moon in Aquarius and Sun in Leo:
Lower Frequencies - You may be feeling this way or seeing others behaving in this way
Attention seeking
Disrespect for authority
Emotional detachment
Fear Based
Information overload
Stressed OUT
Stubborn streak
Unpredictable energy
Higher Frequencies
Balance and rest
Big Hearted
Dream Realization
Enact Change
Finding out the truth
Law – the Law
Seeking knowledge
Persuasive communication
Treasure chest of information
Vortex opening up
Leadership and war are front and center like we discussed above and yet you are the only one who can control how it will affect you.
Do you choose to follow the war drum and allow fear to build within? 3rd Dimension
Or do you choose your own individual leadership in the world you wish to live in? 5th Dimension
This is a good cycle to do some planning and scheduling what will benefit you over the course of the next several months. We like to work with our clients and teach them to navigate life by using S.M.A.R.T goals.
Smart goals are a way to help you create new habits and step forth with what your higher self is requesting of you. When you implement the use of SMART GOALS with current routines or habits that you already have in place. You can learn to accomplish the next level of self-mastery while adding just a slight change to your current routine. It takes 3 weeks or 21 days to create a new habit and when you blend the new goals with your current routine it does not seem as difficult to get started. We like to layer the S.M.A.R.T goals with current habits so it is easier to set them in place.
What are you ready to tackle?
What are you hearing over and over that “you” need to do for you?
When we use the simplistic approach of smart goals, we can activate the physical world for our own benefit. The plan should be simple and measurable. Perhaps making a small chart using an index card to remind you of what you are planning to implement. Writing them out brings it into the physical world for you. This is much better than just putting it on a note in your phone.
Simple means it will be simple to work into your daily routine. Measured means that you have a way to measure how you will get it done. Attainable and realistic means that it is something that you can make happen with planned action. An unattainable goal would be I will have $15 Million dollars in 3 days. This is not a simple, measured, attainable or realistic goal.
You have done so much in your life to attain things that you desired without really thinking of how you did it. But if you look back, at some point it was a SIMPLE thought you may have had and then you probably took some sort of action to make it happen.
Use this simple approach and figure out what you feel you want to achieve in the next 30-90 days. We are not trying to change your entire life. We are just working on some steps to keep you grounded and focused on your goals.
Perhaps it is beginning a 15 minute a day walking program or writing in your journal every night before bed. Making your own lunch or eating at home more often to accomplish two goals at once- Saving money and feeling better from your food choices. Maybe it is as simple as making your bed every morning.
These are simple hacks as they say to make sudden changes that are simple, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed. We would like to teach you to layer new habits on top of old habits that are already in place.
For example- Eating at Home
You already eat - You already spend money to eat at home or when you go out.
By implementing this new approach, you can plan a healthier meal and save money by not eating out daily. You already spent money to buy groceries for your home. Why are you eating out if you already did the shopping? You are wasting time when you could meal prep or cook like the old school method would be instead of driving somewhere at lunch, reading off the menu, spending money and then having to drive back to work or home. You could already be at work or home, eating the healthy meal you prepared and then have time for a quick 15-minute walk instead of that drive?
Layering new habits with old habits- Removing eating out for fresh homemade meals and walking instead of driving. All of this is powering up your physical and mental body at the same time.
Writing in your journal every day –
Some people do it as soon as they wake up and some people put it on their bed or under their pillow and do it as soon as they prepare to rest. This is a simple hack of just placing your journal where you get your day going or where you end your day.
Take advantage of this powerful Aquarian energy to get you in a smooth flow by shifting a few things in your daily routine.
As we continue to carve our way into the New World energy that is descending on planet earth. You should be recognizing how you feel based on what you do in your own world.
Are you focused on the outside chatter and aggressive energy, fear and constant bombardment of information coming at you?
Or are you beginning to mellow out and step out in nature and breathe?
Are you beginning to use the higher octaves that we discuss for each cycle to the best of your ability?
And to observe the lower octaves that come out with each new cycle so you can learn how they affect you?
Focus, balance the frequencies and keep moving forward in life! We will chat soon!
“Sending positive Energy and Light to you”
Full Moon Foundation
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