TIME 12:00 AM (PST)
This full moon comes with a lunar eclipse and the pre-shadow period for Mercury Retrograde. Giving us the next two weeks to do a final spring clearing of old stagnant energy that has been lingering.
We will close out the 2023 astrological year with this powerful punch giving us the opportunity to complete what we started 6 months ago with the last eclipse cycle and what we rippled out during the New Astrological year that began on March 21, 2023.
Venus | Air | The Scales | Hips, kidneys, middle of the body, and systems that rule over balance in the body. |
Keywords: I Discern, so that I may Balance and Nurture myself.
MISSION: Clear out all that has been lingering and prepare your space for the new year!
This full moon brings in the first eclipse for 2024. Ushering in the exact line up of the sun, earth and moon that was last here during the Eclipse in March of 2006.
What life subject matter was showing up for you in 2006?
Keep your balance between the lower and higher energies during this cycle!
Incoming Energies with this Full Moon:
Lower Frequency
Lack of Progress
Off Track
Out of Balance
Quick Tempered
Higher Frequency
Check Lists
Clear Signs
Clearing out of the old
Completion of the cycle
Planning for future
Soul Messages
Spring Cleaning
Taking Action
Trust in your divine messages
As we approach the completion of the 2023 astrological year. We are blessed with a final push to clear out all that no longer services our soul. Use your time and energy wisely with the forward momentum that is picking up steam over these next two weeks.
The final clearing of 2023 is upon us.
What do you need to let go of?
What has been repeating in your life?
What have your guides been nagging you about to kick out of your field?
Donate or throw away the clutter!
Finish what you started!
Let it all go and feel the weight shift off your shoulders!
What do you want to close out and release?
Just as Libra rules the kidneys - and their function - it's time to filter out and discern what's healthy and what's toxic, and sort accordingly. Sometimes we can get caught in a loop and keep trying to filter things that should simply be let go of. Allow this for yourself. If it's for you, it will lighten and brighten you. If it's not, it may feel heavy and "boggy", and you may get caught in a mental or emotional "spin cycle" of trying to figure it out. If it's confusing, generally there's a lie somewhere or it's simply not for you. Either way, it's ok to let it go. Sometimes, it's simply not time for something. Letting go allows for Right Timing and for whatever it is to "land" if and when it's better for you.
The forward movement of all the planets right now is giving you a final push to do what you need. To phase out the lingering stuck energy, clear the clutter, stop the bad behaviors, remove the old habits, and end the negative thought patterns that no longer serve you.
This is the best time that you will have to release all this old stuck energy during this Full Moon/Eclipse Cycle. Giving you the opportunity to clear your way and usher in the New Moon/New Astrological Year and Solar Eclipse on April 8th.
This is the time to clean up your stuff. Stop procrastination and use the clean flow of planetary energy to finish out this cycle. Act on what has been lingering around or building up since April of 2023 and clear it out!
Take note of what you have accomplished over the last year.
What have you released?
What lessons have you learned?
What are you planning for the New Astrological year beginning April 8 2024?
You will concentrate this energy in your house to clean up, declutter and prepare for the new age coming to you on April 8th 2024. This New Moon in April will be a massive cycle kicking off with the Total Solar Eclipse completing the X across America that began on August 26, 2017. We will address this beautiful event in a few weeks.
This is a good omen and a huge change for humanity. Trust and follow your guidance and do not get distracted by the chatter of others.
It is the time to trust your soul, listen to the messages and step out of your comfort zone. Remember your inner "touchstone" of your own compass - your "knowingness"/Crown chakra. This is your North Star. It will guide you in confidence as you take these steps of Faith and allow your feet to land solidly on your Path.
We have a lot of Golden Opportunities coming our way in 2024! Let’s be ready for it!
“Sending positive Energy and Light to you.”
Full Moon Foundation
We would love to help guide you in 2024 with a plan that will allow you to finally shift those patterns that are holding you back.
Don’t let the clock of life continue to tick down without making changes. Email us at info@fullmoonfoundation.com to schedule a free consultation.
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Looking to confirm what you might be thinking? Book an Akashic Records Reading here today!