TIME 06:53 AM (PST)

The power of the full moon brings light into the areas that we seek to hide from ourselves or others. We are taking steps in these areas as we move forward into the Age of Aquarius.
The changes forth coming for all of humanity will be vast and powerful and for those that ‘choose’ to make the changes will prosper physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Now is the time to make these changes. As we move deeper into 2024 we will continue to receive messages and opportunities to realign ourselves.
What changes are you ready to make as you take aim at the Archer Full Moon?
The Archer carries the vibration of the wanderer, strong, powerful, truth seeker, teacher, and philosopher. This energy can teach us adventure, what to watch out for, what to learn from and how to take a leap forward in our life. Last year during this cycle we were talking about the ups and downs of life. Now is the moment in time to trust your higher-self and move up in your own world. Soul is calling you now to perform!
Incoming Energies with this Full Moon:
Lower Energies
Asking too many questions
Blunt or pushy
Closed minded
Feeling ungrounded
Loss of trust in self or others
Nervous energy
Overly talkative
War Energy
Worry and control
Worst case scenario decision making
Higher Perspective
Focus on your foundation
Growth spurts
Let Go
Listen to your intuition
Look at the bigger picture
New beginnings
New insight
Relationships in focus
The twins (Gemini)- see both sides of a situation
Trust the journey of life
You are the only ones who can take control of your thoughts and your physical world. During the 2024 energy that we are beginning to feel move through us you can use your free will and make the changes necessary. Yes, there is a lot happening in the world. Yes, it can feel out of control. Yes, we may see others or feel our own anxiety and depression hitting certain planetary aspects during this cycle. But you can make the change, turn the corner, and renew your own self.
Have you decided, yet? Have you chosen to Expand? Will you let your arrows fly, and be caught by the wind, or the rain, or the storm, and know that they will land? That the adventure is in seeing where they go, and the journey there, and not in hitting a target?
What is your SOULS quest during 2024? If you truly take the time to learn your lessons, experience what can or should change and then put plans in place to do it. You will be giving your soul the opportunity to join you here on Earth and allow this highly evolved part of you to do the work. To make the decisions and to help that part of you, the physical vessel that may be struggling to keep it together or keep things moving with all the chaos in our world.
If you choose any year, then this would be the year to begin your self-mastery program. This is the experience where you learn to make the everlasting changes that will get you to the next level that you keep dreaming about. Reboot the direction you are in or rest and then take some action steps to do it. Use the light that is being pumped into the earth by the sun with solar flares. This combined with the massive eclipse energy that we went through in April will continue to awaken you and your physical body to the necessary changes needed for expansion - as we began the extension of 2024 and why we are here. If you don’t know why you are here, then schedule a session with us.
We are assisting those that are ready with transformation, upgrading or awakening the dormant DNA that lies within you to help accelerate your growth here on earth. Are you ready?
Self-mastery is working on you and making shifts and changes that will better your experience in life. What patterns are you looking to change? What keeps showing up that is not working for you? What is the beauty in your life? How can you expand on the love and joy present with you? What is working for you?
Enjoy the power of the Archer and balance this expansive full moon energy.
“Sending positive Energy and Light to you”
Full Moon Foundation
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