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Updated: Mar 9, 2024

TIME 2:59 PM (PST)

DATE Friday February 9, 2024


New Moons give us the opportunity for new beginnings, a fresh start, or a change in our current direction.    With this new moon in AQUARIUS, we will be bringing in the 2nd to the last moon cycle of the astrological year 2023.   This gives us the opportunity to tighten up what we want to complete and get ready to move towards springtime soon.





Saturn and Uranus


Circulation and the ankles

The Water Bearer


Dance with the current energy and make the changes that are in your “current” time frame.  Most important is to be authentic in what you need and not follow what others tell you to do!




“I KNOW”!  We are in the Age of Aquarius now!

CURRENT ENERGIES WITH THIS NEW MOON – and what to watch for:

Below is a sample of the energies that will present with the current New Moon as we move through February 2024.  Be aware of those that come at you with the lower energies and those that you reflect out to others.  And remember that communication from your higher self will be strong during this cycle.

Keep your balance between the lower and higher octaves below.

Incoming Energies with this New Moon

Lower Energies -

  • Aggression/ Aggressive

  • Crazy

  • Disruption

  • Rebellious

  • Stubborn

  • Unexpected events

  • Unsettled

  • Unstable / Unpredictable

  • War

Higher Perspective -

  • Boundaries to set

  • Clear

  • Freedom

  • Future

  • Higher Communication

  • Intellectual

  • Intuitive

  • Logical

  • New Direction

  • Simple

  • Structure Changes

  • Truth


This is the perfect time to dial into what you need to do to clean up your act and present the changes you have been thinking about implementing for your highest and best path in 2024.

With the powerful punch of this new moon and the current energies surrounding it.  We will be enhanced with lessons we are here to learn and show truths that will be revealed to us personally and globally.  


You are to remember that you are here to further your soul’s growth by exploring what is best for you.   Using the Aquarian energy that loves to be in the future and does not like to be told what to do will be a great asset in this cycle assisting you with a focus that could be unstoppable.   

This means taking the knowledge that has been presented to you in lessons, life events and perhaps old memories and expanding on how you can benefit from the experience and grow.

This is a powerful energetic time that brings in a lot of disruptive energy too.  Be prepared to put up shields and boundaries around you. If you are feeling off then step away, go outside or take a break from what is coming at you.    

Timelines are a push pull currently, and it is sequential that you make the changes in order to create new habits for your soul growth.

This is a time of massive change for humanity and the planet and the best way to move through this is to learn how to interpret your own self-mastery and allow your guidance the “I KNOW” to assist you with making shifts to your world.

Remember to dance and shift with the energies - not by them. Work with the tools you have - grounding, boundaries, your own "hokey pokey" (one step in, one step out) - as needed with energies, people, places. This is very much a tai chi moment as you dance with what is and what is to come. It is also a dance of incorporation - of Self and Self within the Whole.

Who will you be as an individual within the New Societies?
How will you expand to hold yourself and the Whole?

Learn your out breath and in-breath in these matters, in your "matter", and with what matters.

You may find Sacred Rage arising during these times. This is another dance to learn. Instead of suppression, learn your rhythm. Rage is a signal that your boundaries - or larger boundaries - are being violated. Rage is a Healer. Rage is a tool. Dance with it and learn how to Be with it. To focus it for the good of All:

“Divine rage is fierce, disciplined, and visionary….The aim of divine rage is not vengeance but to reorder the world. It is precise and purposeful, like the focused fury projected into the world from the forehead of the Goddess. It points us to the humanity of even those who we were fighting….Perhaps our task as human beings is to find safe containers for our raw reactionary rage–and then choose to harness that energy in a way that creates a new world for all of us.”
“It is a rhythm: Step away to rage, return to listen, and reimagine the solutions together. It becomes a kind of dance–to release raw rage in a safe container, in order to send divine rage into the world, like focused fury. The way of the warrior-sage is not only loving-kindness but loving-revolution, or revolutionary love.”
—Valarie Kaur, See No Stranger, Chapter 4

Enjoy the Dance. Enjoy this Moment. It might not be fun at times, but itʻs ultimately good.



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  • Past Life Healing Sessions

  • Messages from Heaven – Reach out to a loved one that you would like to hear from



Feeling the need to get grounded, centered, balanced and clear your thoughts, lift your emotions, better your life? Schedule an Energy Clearing and Balancing Session!

Looking for guidance from your guides for 2024? Schedule an Akashic Record Reading!


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