TIME 4:35 AM (PST)
DATE Wednesday January 29 2025

New Moons give us the opportunity for new beginnings, a fresh start, or a change in our current direction. With this new moon in AQUARIUS, we will be bringing in the 2nd to the last moon cycle of the astrological year 2024. This gives us the opportunity to tighten up what we want to complete and get ready to move towards springtime soon. This moon is about completion!
The fast pace of this Aquarius New Moon will assist you with completion of projects that are lingering from 2024 and prepare you for the New Moon in Pisces that will enter on February 27, 2025. This Pisces New Moon will be about rest and slumber to your physical and emotional bodies. This is just a heads up, so you do not stress if you happen to feel exhausted by the end of the Aquarius Cycle.
A peak at the upcoming Pisces New Moon on February 27, 2025 will give you the opportunity to replenish your energy from 2024 and prepare you for the New Astrological Year that will begin on March 29, 2025, in Aries.
More information will come during the next two Moon Transmissions- Stay Tuned!
THIS IS KEY – “I AM AMAZING”! We are in the Age of Aquarius now!
RULING PLANET- SATURN and URANUS – Structure and Shock, Change, Electricity, Electrical
BODY PARTS RULED BY AQUARIUS - Circulation and the ankles
CURRENT ENERGIES WITH THIS NEW MOON – and what to watch for:
Below is a sample of the energy that will present with the current New Moon as we move through February 2025. Be aware of those that come at you with lower energies and those that you reflect on to others.
Communication from your higher self will be strong during this cycle to clean up your life.
Remember to try and keep your balance between the lower and higher energies below.
Incoming Energies with this New Moon
Lower Energies -
Back in time
Dark Night of the Soul
Death – Endings, Removal of the Old ways
Fast and Furious
Loss of Hope
Not Letting Go of old problems or ways of behavior – Even though you know how
Time is up
Unexpected events
Unstable / Unpredictable
Higher Perspective -
Changing things up
Cleaning up or cleaning out
Clear Vision – Seeing the truth
Fast movement
Fix Things
Healing from the wounds
Higher Communication
Inner Strength
Maintain your balance
New Direction
On Guard
Pot of Gold
Preparation for the New to enter
Setting intentions
Structure Changes
Unmasked/Unveiled – This is if you choose to see the truth and accept it
This is an action-oriented moon with a lot of communication and at times chaotic energy rolling in. Your directive is to review the situation when this energy rolls in and figure out if it is yours and how you can remove it. Or if it is coming from others or the mass consciousness and protecting yourself from incoming disruptions.
A little reminder from the Aquarius New Moon transmission in 2024- This is a time of massive change for humanity and the planet and the best way to move through this is to learn how to interpret your own self-mastery and allow your guidance the “I KNOW” to assist you with making shifts to your world. – Seems very accurate with what is currently happening in 2025.
The main plan of this moon is to get you to clean up your act and prepare for the completion of 2024. The New Moon coming in on March 29, 2025, will be the true beginning of the Astrological year and the ability to SPRING forward with your next level destination.
For now, we continue to tidy up what we started in April of 2024. Erasing any self-doubt that we did not finish what we started and understand that we move to a rhythm of this world that can begin and end. Not always completing what we wanted in a “time frame” we expected.
To dig a little deeper into this, we have a lot of life distractions that hit us hard throughout the year. It can be obvious to you what it was or at times hidden. The vibrations that have hit to stall our progress are a part of this planetary system it seems. However, you do have the ability to begin changing the habitual distractions that may keep you stuck.
- Do you have a life plan?
- Do you have a system in place that can get you there?
- Do you understand the ebb and flow of your current situation and how to shift?
- Are you ready for change?
It is time to control your destiny and clean up your ACT for 2025!
Your action steps will be – Reviewing the last year and getting back to the “rituals” that we spoke about back in 2012. Get into the flow that allows you to feel love, protection and hope on your path in life!
If you have anyone in your life that could benefit from this information - PLEASE SHARE. To receive our newsletters, special discounts, and transmission updates, please sign up at the top of our Transmissions page.
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Feeling the need to get grounded, centered, balanced, and clear your thoughts, lift your emotions, better your life? Schedule a Distant Energy Session!
Looking to confirm what you might be thinking? Schedule an Akashic Record Reading
Our sessions can assist with natural ways to help release – Anxiety, COVID-19 lingering Trauma, Emotional Triggers, Fear, Grief, Sadness, Stuck Feeling and other emotions or physical symptoms that may be holding you back from being the best that you can be. We also offer:
Energy Balancing Sessions
Hypnotherapy Sessions
QHHT Sessions in Southern California by appointment only
Regression Sessions
Past Life Healing Sessions
Private Planning Sessions
Messages from Heaven – Reach out to a loved one that you would like to hear from
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