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TIME 2:37 AM (PST)

DATE Wednesday August 16, 2023


New Moons give us the opportunity for new beginnings, a fresh start, or a change in our current direction. Perhaps as we enter the middle of August and head into the SIZZLING Leo energy it will be a good time to focus on what you want and go for it!

As we continue to navigate the expansive energy that came in a few months ago, you can harness what you want to accomplish and begin to burn a trail towards your dreams. You had the Cancer moon cycle giving you the opportunity to set up boundaries and go deep within to observe. What did you discover? Did you pay attention?

CURRENT ENERGIES WITH THIS NEW MOON – and what to watch for:

As you prepare for the Leo Cycle be aware of this fiery sign that can erupt around you or within you. Part of the power of self-mastery with this cycle will be to think like the lion tamer. Learn how to control your emotions and protect yourself from other people’s emotional behavior.

WARNING: Energy will continue to be masculine and aggressive during this cycle

Boundaries protect you energetically and physically and this is an excellent time to remember to put up your protection each day. Keep the boundaries up so you can control your emotions, protect your energy field, and learn to focus like a lion hunting as you zero in on your goals.

Incoming Energies with this New Moon

Lower Energies

  • Arrogance

  • Demand lots of attention

  • Dominating

  • Dramatic

  • Egoistic

  • Jealous

  • Naive

  • Possessive

  • Prideful

  • Self-centered

  • Stubborn

  • Vain

Higher perspective-

  • Ambitious

  • Big Heart (Heart Centered)

  • Confident

  • Creative

  • Determined

  • Generous

  • Loving

  • Loyal

  • Passionate

  • Romantic

  • Self-confident

  • Strength


As you enter LEO season, take a few moments to reflect in your journal on what you learned in the Cancer Cycle. You will want to begin this next phase by acting. It may seem like every month is a continued cycle at times of beginning and end. However, we may fail to notice that we are given a chance to learn, grow and expand each day. Action is how we grow!

Continue to pay attention to relationships with people and money as we move through Venus retrograde. How is your financial situation? Did anyone contact you from your past? Why did they contact you? How did you feel? Or perhaps they will contact you.

Work with the fiery energy of this new moon and act now.

Remember you are on the fourth cycle of a 6-month path right now. You can review this 6-month cycle of information in the May Full Moon and New Moon reports on our Transmissions page.




Balancing you as the lion and the lion tamer!


The Sun - FIRE


The spine, back and heart!



Feeling the need to get grounded, centered, balanced and clear your thoughts, lift your emotions, better your life? Schedule an Energy Clearing and Balancing Session!

Looking for guidance from your guides or to confirm what you might be thinking? Schedule an Akashic Record Reading!


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