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TIME 1:27 AM (PST)

DATE Monday November 13, 2023


New Moons give us the opportunity for new beginnings, a fresh start, or a change in our current direction. With this new moon in Scorpio, the energy will bring in tremendous strength and power for us as individuals. We will also have a lot of planets in play during the beginning of this cycle including Mercury and Pluto, Mercury and Saturn, Mars and Uranus and the Sun and Uranus. Add all these energetics to the lingering Libra cycle that just left us, and you are in for quite the ride during November.

CURRENT ENERGIES WITH THIS NEW MOON – and what to watch for:

Over the next couple of months, it will be important to complete what you began earlier this year for yourself. Was it getting healthy by eating cleaner or exercising? Perhaps you were thinking about a new job or career or a new path in your life? Establishing new routines?

Remember that our guides talk to us in signs and symbols. They repeat what you should be doing loudly and with a repetitive show of information coming at you. When you see something repeating a pattern, pay attention and figure out how to work with it for your highest and best.

During this New Moon- write down what you want to accomplish over the next 28 days and release it on Monday during the New Moon Cycle.

Keep your balance between the lower and higher octaves below.

Incoming Energies with this New Moon

Lower Octaves -

  • Competitive

  • Fixated

  • Forceful

  • Introverted

  • Jealous

  • Possessive

  • Probing

  • Secretive

  • Suspicious

Higher Octaves -

  • Courageous

  • Determined

  • Focused

  • Intense

  • Magnetic

  • Mysterious

  • Passionate

  • Resourceful

PLANETS IN PLAY DURING THIS CYCLE - The energy window is open with all this now:

  • MARS - Fire and War like energy, anger, frustration – Ruled by Scorpio

  • MERCURY – Communication and Mental activities

  • PLUTO – Death and Rebirth – double power punch with Scorpio Moon

  • SATURN – Lessons, Distractions, brings to an end all things that had a beginning, teaches us lessons we must learn in life

  • URANUS – Awaken, Change, Shock, Suprises - Puts us where we need to be not always where we want to be. Very fast, developing quickly, insomnia, brilliance, frequencies, jolts.

  • THE SUN – Lighting up the Scorpio New Moon and Uranus Energy


THIS IS KEY – Rebirth


Mars and Pluto


Fixed, Water


The sex organs




As we enter this New Moon in Scorpio, we will continue along with the chaotic energy that arrived with the Libra New Moon back on October 14, 2023. What happened to you over the last month? Did you release all that no longer served you on Halloween or did you linger along and not clear out things or people that are blocking you?

The tremendous power of energy that is coming to the earth and our physical bodies must be delt with in a physical and mental way. We will be shaken up with this energy but in a good way. This is a personal moon and energy blast that is giving you a different path that is only for you.

During this cycle and especially the first 7 days, drink lots of water to keep your vital force energy up. Eat clean and exercise to keep the body and mind moving.

With all these planetary alignments we mentioned above, the world is in for quite a ride over this next year. The intensity will continue to build and the way to move through this is to focus on you and your world, your energy. And what you want to accomplish for you.

The information that keeps coming in clear is stay in your lane. Stay in your lane meaning to focus on your lane and where you are heading. Not everybody else but you. What is going on in your life that you can control at this time?



If you have anyone in your life that could benefit from this information- PLEASE SHARE. To receive our newsletters, special discounts, and transmission updates, please sign up at the top of our Transmissions page.

Space is limited for sessions during the next 60 days due to the Holidays. If you are unable to find a time that you need, please email us at with your schedule and we will try and fit you in. Feel free to peruse our site to book the following sessions and more!

  • QHHT Sessions in Southern California by appointment only

  • Regression Sessions

  • Past Life Healing Sessions

  • Messages from Heaven – Reach out to a loved one that you would like to hear from



Feeling the need to get grounded, centered, balanced and clear your thoughts, lift your emotions, better your life? Schedule an Energy Clearing and Balancing Session!

Looking for guidance from your guides or to confirm what you might be thinking? Schedule an Akashic Record Reading!


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