DATE Friday November 1, 2024

New Moons give us the opportunity for new beginnings, a fresh start, or a change in our current direction. With this new moon in Scorpio, you will feel explosive energy and possibly receive information on tremendous shadows that you hide from yourself and others.
This cycle will teach us how to transform personally and collectively. This is a very surreal time on this planet as we begin the process to move to massive changes that will come into our daily lives soon. This is a good thing, and this New Moon is giving us a final push to clean up and make changes for the new you.
We will continue to have a lot of planetary energy coming with this New Moon and have a lot of planets in play during this cycle. Here is a brief description of what is coming this week -
PLANETS IN PLAY DURING THIS CYCLE: The energy window is open with all this now -
CHRION – Wounded Healer, vulnerability. Your deepest emotional wounds and your ability to heal yourself.
JUPITER – Abundance, Expansion and Wisdom
MARS - Fire and War like energy, anger, frustration – Rules by Scorpio
MERCURY – Communication and Mental activities
NEPTUNE – Dreams, Emotional, Healing, Inspiration, Intuition, Mystical Realms, The unconscious
PLUTO – Death and Rebirth – double power punch with Scorpio Moon – THIS ONE IS IGNITING A NEW ERA OF TRANSFORMATION for THE WORLD STRUCTURES
SATURN – Lessons, Distractions, ends all things that had a beginning, teaches us lessons we must learn in life
URANUS – Awaken, Change, Shock, Suprises - Puts us where we need to be not always where we want to be. Very fast, developing quickly, insomnia, brilliance, frequencies, jolts.
THE SUN – Lighting up the Scorpio New Moon and bringing in lots of Solar Activity for the remainder of this year.
THIS IS KEY – Transformation for the world and for each individual soul
RULING PLANET – Mars and Pluto
SYMBOL - Scorpion
ELEMENT – Fixed, Water
CURRENT ENERGIES WITH THIS NEW MOON – and what to watch for:
Keep your balance between the lower and higher octaves below.
Incoming Energies with this New Moon
Lower Octaves -
Crazy people acting out (accidents, anger, guns, verbal rages) Comes out of nowhere
Watch for – Deceptive energy around you
Higher Octaves -
As we enter this New Moon in Scorpio, we will continue along with the chaotic energy that arrived earlier this year. However, this is now the turning point where you can rectify anything that is holding you back and bring in the magic of this New Moon with a fresh start on the 1st day of the month. Take the time and ACT on your instincts now.
You have a window open that goes till November 19th. This is the time to get right with yourself, stop procrastinating, stop making excuses for others around you and clean up your own life. Set your course for the massive changes that will be taking place in this world and learn from the repeated patterns that have been showing up for you. We will be ending a cycle that began in 2008 and is finishing up when Pluto moves back into Aquarius from November 19 to Jan. 19, 2044. We will talk more on this soon. You may have had a slight reminder that began in 2023 of some things you need to clean up. If you look deeply and intensely into your own life you will see perhaps gentle reminders or deeper abrasive lessons that have been repeating over the last year or so. We always get a repeat of something until we learn the message that was intended for us.
Is it something in a relationship?
Is it something with yourself?
What keeps showing up that keeps wasting your true talent, your love and your time?
What keeps showing up around you that may be a spiritual message to help you on your life path?
Perhaps this is what you should be focusing on now- What you can change!
The world is going to make the changes necessary for the health and the ascension of Earth! It does not need your help to do this! Remember this – you are here to usher in peace, love and joy with those around you. That is huge!
The Virgo and Libra cycle has been building up to the intensity that everyone is feeling now. And we are at a turning point in history to be pushed through to a new world soon. This will happen regardless. Good or bad for you it is here for the change of the ages.
During this cycle and especially the first 7 days, drink lots of water to keep your vital force energy up. Eat clean and exercise to keep the body and mind moving.
We wrote in the 2023 Scorpio new moon transmission that all the planetary alignments in that cycle would give the world quite a ride over the next year. And it did not disappoint. The intensity will continue to build through 2024 and the way to move through this is to focus on you and your world, your energy. And what you want to accomplish for you.
The information that keeps coming in clear is stay in your lane. Stay in your lane meaning to focus on your lane and where you are heading. Not everybody else but you. What is going on in your life that you can control at this time?
This is a good thing and yet a very intense time for everyone on the planet. The time has come for unity, and we will be ushered in to this change soon. The separation is not why we all came here and the love and abundance that is available is truly here now. The trick is to get out of your head and out of fear and the treat is to begin to chart your own destiny to what you really want for your life now. Guidance is available from your team of the light, and we can help you connect when you are ready at Full Moon Foundation. This is the massive change that all of us signed up to do when we volunteered to come to earth again and usher in the Age of Aquarius. It is here. It is being felt and it is putting a lot of energy on notice that things will change regardless. We have entered the light belt!
During this New Moon- write down what you want to accomplish over the next 28 days and release it on Friday during the New Moon Cycle.
Note: Due to the intense cosmic and solar activities and the changes that we are going through physically and mentally. There will be a lot of people and pets that transition during the next 7 years. This is a time of true ascension and the ending of certain contracts and the replenishment of new ones. We send out our love to those that will watch their loved one’s transition during this sacred time. Just know that the soul lives on and that you can connect with the souls that leave you. It is not anything that any of us want to ever go through. But it is part of our strength, our emotional cycles and our growth. We send out our deepest thoughts and prayers to everyone that is going through this now, just went through this or will go through this. We are here to help you heal your heart during the difficult time with the transition or to help your loved one. Peace and Love to all as we move to the next step in Humanity and the evolution of our beloved planet Earth that we all choose to live on together as one nation. And for all of you to know that you will be reunited with the soulmates, pets and loved ones that you hold dear to you.
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